Cygnet Drives, Your Structure
Cygnet Drive
Cygnet Drive uses Templates and index rules based on pre-defined templates. Cygnet Cloud comes with a number of default templates for different uses. You can also quickly and easily define your own templates. how you want your files organised accessible.
Traditional Drive you can simply create containers (folders) for file storage as you do on a computer or laptop.
Favourites Drive allows you to link common files or containers for quick access. User can create and store files here that are not accessible by other users.
Media Drive stores your media files in a media friendly location. Here you can easily access, define, manage and automatically name your files.
Integration with External Drives
Cygnet Cloud has an integration with Dropbox and OneDrive and can also interact with other cloud file storage vendors.
Using this integration it is possible to transfer files to Cygnet Cloud.